For employers, HR specialists and recruiters asking the question: “is this the candidate for the job?”
ONLINE PPA offers employers and organisations the opportunity, using online assessment, to obtain a Personal Profile Analysis report (PPA) for a candidate to obtain insight into the anticipated work conduct and personal characteristics of that candidate.
It is an ideal method:
- to select the right applicant for the job
- to assess existing employees, for example to gain insight into the functioning of a team or department
- to assess an employee whom you are considering for a different role within your organisation
- Furthermore you can use a PPA assessment as an objective guide during performance appraisals
HIt is a powerful tool to predict someone’s behaviour in a work situation in a swift, reliable and objectivemanner and to map a person’s key qualities.
This means you spend less time on lesser performers so that you can focus on those who can drive your business forward.